The Social Shrink interviewed 101 Behaviors a Guy Needs to Understand about His Woman!'s author, Jaymes Ian Woode, which comes out this Valentine's Day. This book talks about many of the odd behaviors that guys just don't seem to understand about women and a hysterical take on how to deal with them.
J. Blair Brown wrote in response to our radio interview: "If you’re looking for a great topic to start a battle of the sexes, humorous entertainment for late night reading, or just because, you’ll want to grab a copy of Woode’s 101 Behaviors a Guy Needs to Understand His Woman! J. Blair Brown @
OWS blog wrote, "just finished reading 101 Behaviors a Guy Needs to Understand about His Woman and enjoyed it immensely...Come and be the first to read excerpts from the book, titled, 101 Behaviors a Guy Needs to Understand about his Woman by James Ian Woode at One World Singles Magazine Blog on February 7, 2011 beginning at 12:00 AM. The book will makes it debut on February 14, 2011."
“I have had the honor of editing projects for Jaymes and it continues to be a rewarding experience each time. His way of writing with details has a magical way of placing you within a story that you never want to end. I have found myself many times rereading his material just for pleasure outside of the editing process and sitting at the edge of my chair without even realizing it. Working with Jaymes is truly a delightful experience that makes me proud and grateful for my profession.” Jessica Walker Garland, Editor (
“Jaymes Ian is a passionately caring individual, one of those rare folk who intuitively 'feels' another's pain and empathises in a healing way such that the ripple effect carries on long after...” J.R. Poulter, Author