Two days ago I finally decided to sign the contract, that was offered to me, for various reasons. One, I asked my group members on Linked-in for some much needed guidance. I polled those in the group that have had experience with publishing and a few of them had direct experience with the same publisher that offered me the contract. Their insight was extremely valuable but more so, they each helped me overcome mental barriers about publishing and fill in the gaps of what I didn't know. Two, once I had my expert panel in place, I was able to get past wanting more and being unrealistic. I learned to accept the small step of success that would help me move on to greater successes. I often forget that success has many levels. I wanted to be instantly recognized and famed but needed to understand that I haven't proven myself yet. This small step would begin my foundational work of proving myself. Three, I really needed to have a book published for my own psyche. This would give me the boost of being a Published Author and it will add an extra bit of motivation to keep writing and believing in myself. Four, I also really wanted to get this book: 101 Behavior a Guy Needs to Understand about His Woman!, off of my plate and to be done with it! I had so much fun writing it and it is just as fun to read (so I've been told) but I have since moved on to other material and need to free up space for new works.
Now, that I have made my decision, it is time to celebrate my small step of success and take a much needed break. Though my rewrite of my novel: The Unleashing, is almost complete, I'm taking two days off to refresh my mind and get out of the city. Yes, I might gamble 20 dollars (I'm pretty cheap) and eat cajun food with a good friend. More importantly, I'm clearning my mind from books so that when I return I can put my nose to the grind again and get my next contract. Thanks to all of you who are supporting me with your smiles, kind words, knowledge, and your own successes. We all need a break sometime!
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