Thursday, December 16, 2010

A dream come true!

I have always believed in dreams.  More importantly, I have always believed in dreams coming true.  For as long as I can remember, my dream was to be an author.  Though I didn't quite understand how to make my dream come to fruition, I continued to believe that one day it would, as long as I didn't lose sight of it.  As the next twenty years passed by, in a blur, I continued writing, never completing a book.  Then, I realized that I had no choice.  All of my other options in life came and went.  My passion for writing never left me and I knew that I needed to complete a book.  So, at a quiet time in my life, I spent three weeks writing my novel through to completion.  Then I put it away for the next two years and didn't write.  Over the next two years, my desire to write burned inside of me and I went on to spend fifteen Saturdays writing another book, which has now been published.  Today, I received an email from the publisher and they are sending me my author's copy of the book.  I won't even try to describe the joy and sorrow that swept over me.

Joy because of the thrill of finally living my dream.  Though I have written five other books since I finished writing the published work, I have opened myself up to accepting my path.  It has been a long road but I have realized the importance of doing what I have always wanted to do.  Regardless of income, I have to write.  Sorrow because of all that I had to go through to get to this point in my life.  I don't believe I wasted my life but I only wish that I would've understood the importance of living my dream early on.  In short, I can't believe that it is finally happening to me.  At the same time, I can.  As long as you believe in your abilities, it doesn't matter what others tell you.  You owe it to yourself to live your dream and one day, it will come true!  Thankfully, those years that I wasn't living my dream have taught me a lot and given me many stories to write about.  Thank you God, thank you universe, I believe I am now ready!


  1. Very inspiring and timely for me. I am at a point, end of year review perhaps, when I'm asking myself when am I going to start living my dream fully, stepping into my power fully. Up till now it's been a toe in the water and that's about it. Congrats on your accomplishment!

  2. Thanks Theresa, sorry for the late response! Surround yourself by your dream and it will have no choice but to come true! J


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