Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Overwhelmed with good things!

Too often, we forget that being overwhelmed is not always a bad thing.  Yesterday, I found out that my book 101 Behaviors a Guy Needs to Understand about His Woman! will be released much sooner than expected.  Suddenly, with the help of my amazing assistant Mary (see link at the right "writersassistant"), we went into crunch time to upload videos, put out the buzz, and more.  I cannot describe the feelings inside of the excitement that is pouring through me but it is probably like a fish in a dried up stream when suddenly a dam broke and water gushed out and filled the once dry space.  Instantly, there was life and lots of it and all I can think about doing is capitalizing on the moment and sharing the goodness with those who are by my side!

Being overwhelmed with good things can cause you to be more energetic than normal and it is best to take advantage of the surge of emotions and ideas as they occur.  Why?  Glad you asked.  This is a time when much creativity comes to the forefront and if you wait, you may forget.  So, jump on in and embrace those times when good things happen in your life.  Make the most of it, enjoy the ride, and always remember to include your support system in the process.  You don't have to win an Oscar to feel like a star!  There is no red carpet but I am seeing red in the love of all those who believe in me!

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